13 Lessons Learned Over 13 Years of Blogging – Maria Popova

I first discovered Maria’s blog, Brain Pickings, by listening to Tim’s episode with Maria a month ago, where she describes the inception and motivation behind her blog that gets +5 million visitors per month (!).

The episode encouraged me to pursue a blog site, for my own sake, and let any friend or random stranger come along for the ride.

This is the last resource I shared with my gr. 10 business students this past “quadmester;” always trying to find ways to impart them with nuggets of wisdom that fit their attention span.

By chance, I saw the linked post above a couple of weeks ago and was very impressed with how much wisdom she packed in a list of 13 pretty brief points, given how vital the points are.

I chose to share this with my gr. 10 business students last week, and so here it is for all of you as well!

Maria Popova, obtained from: https://www.brainpickings.org/about/

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