Life-Changing Podcast Episodes – The Tim Ferriss Show

Ferriss Favs: Curated Podcast Episodes

Above is a playlist of interviews from The Tim Ferriss Show by Tim Ferriss that have altered the way I approach life. It’s a dynamic list, but it has at least 90% of the episodes that have permanently shifted the way I see things…

Back in 2016, when I was working as a management consultant, life was not the best. I still try to attribute the proper credit to this, but I can’t recollect who got me to listen to The Tim Ferriss Show.

Whoever it was (maybe it was myself), this is probably the thing that most changed my life. It led to me eventually realizing clearly because meditation practice (thank you Tim Ferriss) that a change needed to be made.

Several changes ensued, and I might get into that later, but the result is a life that I’ve designed that is largely due to the learnings directly from this podcast, or indirectly from guests that I can trace back to The Tim Ferriss Show.

If I can recommend one thing to my high school students and the general public, it would be to check out this curated list of the best of The Tim Ferriss Show.

Tim Ferriss interviewing Dr. Gabor Maté. I think I consider this to be the most impactful podcast episode I’ve listened to.

Word of advice: play the long-game here. Don’t write off the podcast because of one episode. Tim instilled a certain way of thinking that transcends any specific lesson or learning from his guests. A serious compounding effect takes place after about 10 episodes, where that tiny snowflake turns into a giant snowball that will take care of itself.

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