TV & Thoughts

What does a thought feel like? For most thoughts, they’re a memory being replayed, or situation being played for the first time. Either way, it resembles the act of watching TV a lot.

Why do we watch TV? Pulling ourselves out of reality because it’s not fun to be in the present moment for a multitude of reasons.

“Erm…I’ll deal with that later…”
A piece of art by Saanya Chopra (@sketchtoexpressc).

Usually it’s because a relationship or our job feels stressful and/or overwhelming, making it feel like work to be fully present. When we watch TV we’re drained and want a sort of escape, whether habitual or intentional.

Apparently my sister was on this vibe over a year ago.
A piece of art by Saanya Chopra (@sketchtoexpressc).

So it hit me: the same way we watch TV/Netflix because we have the desire to be taken away from our reality, is the same way we end up getting lost in thought! Whether in our mind or on a screen, we are removed from the present moment to watch something.

Let me know in the comments below if you have other links/comparisons/analogies when it comes to our thoughts!

The inspiration for this post comes from the daily meditation (a guided meditation that changes daily). I’ve learned about this concept before, but for some reason today it really hit me.

I have yet to post about it, but you’ll soon learn that meditation is a large part of my life, and the most important tool for meditation that I use on a daily somewhat consistent basis is Waking Up app by Sam Harris.

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